By participating at Outbreak Soccer Centers, I agree to adhere to the following Outbreak Pledge. By adhering to this pledge, I am helping to make Outbreak a safe place to play soccer. I am helping to contribute towards a center that I can be proud of-- a center that helps build a better community for tomorrow. 
  • COMMUNITY: By playing at Outbreak Soccer Centers you are a part of a community. Being a part of a community comes with certain responsibilities to make sure the community stays strong. You can help keep Outbreak a strong community by showing respect, good sportsmanship, integrity, safety, and fair play
  • RESPECT: Outbreak promotes respect for guests as well as our trainers, referees, and staff members. Playing at Outbreak means you will show respect for your peers, opponents, staff members, referees, the center, and yourself. We practice being kind, generous, and a good person. Help respect the Center by keeping it clean and following center rules. 
  • SPORTSMANSHIP: Whether you are about to start a game, playing a game, or have just finished a game, you are responsible for upholding good sportsmanship. Outbreak defines sportsmanship as being kind to yourself, your peers, and your opponent. Outbreak promotes a competitive environment, and we challenge everyone to be the best player they can be, but all Players, Parents and Staff must be kind to one another. 
  • INTEGRITY: Outbreak challenges its Staff, Players, and Parents to uphold honesty and good morale when it comes to personal interactions with one another. One must not steal, lie, or cheat in order to benefit oneself or another. Outbreak promises to not intentionally lie, cheat, or provide a disservice to you, and in turn we hold you to the same expectations.
  • SAFETY: Outbreak wants you to feel and be safe. We construct our rules, pledge, and enforcement of these rules around the safety of players, parents, and staff members.  
  • FAIR PLAY: Outbreak promises to exercise our rules fairly and equally, without discrimination, favoritism, or bias, to all our guests who participate at our Center. Equally, we hold our guests responsible for exercising fair play when participating in our programs. Players and parents alike must treat all teams and rules fairly. 


One player per division, per league, will be recognized by the staff at Outbreak Soccer Centers for Player of the Month. The Player of the Month will be recognized for upholding the above Pledge at Outbreak. 

Player of the Month is awarded:

  1. (1) Xara Official Jersey
  2. Your name on the "Player of the Month" Wall
  3. (1) Free Pick Up Session at Outbreak Soccer Centers